
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

MNST Regulatory Disclosure in 10-k

This caught my eye as something MNST drinkers might be interested in:
We are also subject to Proposition 65 in California, a law which requires that a specific warning appear on any product sold in California that contains a substance listed by that state as having been found to cause cancer or birth defects in excess of certain levels. If we were required to add warning labels to any of our products or place warnings in certain locations where our products are sold, it is difficult to predict whether, or to what extent, such a warning would have an impact on sales of our products in those locations or elsewhere. While none of our beverage products are currently required to display warnings under this law, we cannot predict whether a component of any of our products might be included in the future.
Are they trying to say that their drinks may cause cancer or birth defects?

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